My Foolproof Method for Preparing Delicious Smoked Roast Beef

Easy Smoked Roast Beef My Way

Are you a meat lover looking for a foolproof way to prepare mouthwatering smoked roast beef? Look no further! In this post, I will be sharing my tried and tested method for preparing the most delicious smoked roast beef that you and your loved ones will be sure to enjoy. So fire up your smoker and get ready to take your taste buds on a flavor-filled journey!


Are you a fan of smoky, delicious roast beef for sandwiches? Do you want to know a foolproof method for preparing the perfect roast beef using Tri Tip? Look no further! In this article, I’ll be sharing all the tips and tricks necessary for preparing a delectable smoked roast beef using the 110 sear method. I’ll also be sharing a video that demonstrates how easy it is to make this recipe. So grab a cup of coffee and let’s get started!

The Perfect Cut for Making Roast Beef

Tri Tip is an excellent cut for making roast beef. It’s a flavorful and lean cut that can easily be flavored with your preferred seasonings. For the perfect roast beef, make sure to choose a Tri Tip that is around 3 to 4 pounds in weight.

The Video Demonstration

If you’re new to making roast beef or want to see the process in motion, check out this video demonstration. The video showcases the recipe in detail, outlining every step necessary to create the perfect smoked roast beef. The video also shares the creator’s preferred way of using Tri Tip for making roast beef.

The Smoky Sweet Rub

To achieve the perfect flavor for your roast beef, seasoning it with a smoky sweet rub is recommended. The rub can be made using smoked paprika, brown sugar, garlic powder, cumin, and salt. To ensure that the rub sticks to the meat, add a small amount of olive oil before applying the rub.

The 110 Sear Method

To cook the perfect roast beef, the 110 sear method is used. This cooking technique involves searing the meat at a high temperature (around 475°F) for a short amount of time, followed by a slow and low cook at 110°F until the meat is cooked through. This technique ensures that the meat retains its moisture while getting that perfect smoky flavor.

Recommended Kitchen Tools and Equipment

To make the perfect smoked roast beef, it is recommended to use the Mallory firewall and cast iron grill grate. The firewall helps to regulate the temperature, ensuring that the meat is perfectly cooked. The cast iron grill grate creates a beautiful sear on the meat, enhancing the overall flavor.

Slicing and Refrigeration

Once the roast beef is cooked, it is essential to let it rest for at least 30 minutes before slicing it thinly. This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, making it more tender and flavorful. It is also recommended to refrigerate the meat overnight before slicing to ensure that it is easy to cut and stays fresh for longer.


In conclusion, preparing delicious smoked roast beef using Tri Tip is easier than you might think. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article and video demonstration, you can create a mouth-watering roast beef that is perfect for sandwiches. So the next time you’re in the mood for a delicious, smoky roast beef, give this recipe a try – you won’t be disappointed!

5 Unique FAQs:

  1. Can I use a different cut of meat instead of Tri Tip for this recipe?
  • While Tri Tip is the recommended cut for making roast beef, you can use other cuts like sirloin or beef brisket. Just make sure to adjust the cooking times accordingly.
  1. Can I use a gas grill for this recipe?
  • While the Mallory firewall and cast iron grill grate are recommended, you can still use a gas grill. Just make sure to keep the temperature at a consistent heat.
  1. How long do I need to refrigerate the meat before slicing it?
  • It’s recommended to refrigerate the meat overnight before slicing it to ensure that it is easy to cut and stays fresh for longer.
  1. Can I add other seasonings to the rub?
  • Of course! Feel free to adjust the seasoning mix to your liking, but don’t be afraid to try the smoky sweet rub for that perfect flavor.
  1. Can I cook the roast beef in the oven instead of on the grill?
  • Yes, you can cook the roast beef in the oven using the same 110 sear method with a cast-iron skillet. Just make sure to sear the meat first before baking it for a few hours at a low temperature.

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