Join me AB as I bake a delicious Peach Cobbler live

Make Peach Cobbler Live with me AB

Welcome to my blog post! I’m AB, and today I invite you to join me as I take you on an exciting culinary adventure. In this live session, we will be diving into the world of baking and preparing a mouthwatering Peach Cobbler. Get ready to tantalize your taste buds and satisfy your sweet tooth as we work through the process step by step. So, grab your apron, preheat your oven, and let’s get started on this delectable journey together!


Welcome to this exciting cooking demonstration where I, AB, will be your host as we embark on the journey of baking a mouthwatering Peach Cobbler live. With Thanksgiving just around the corner, what better way to celebrate than with a delectable dessert that will leave your taste buds begging for more? So grab your aprons and let’s get started on this delightful culinary adventure!

Step 1: Gather your ingredients

Before we dive into the step-by-step process of creating the Peach Cobbler, let’s ensure we have all the necessary ingredients at hand. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 4 cups of fresh peaches, peeled and sliced
  • 1 cup of all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup of granulated sugar
  • 1 cup of milk
  • ½ cup of unsalted butter, melted
  • 1 tablespoon of baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • ½ teaspoon of salt
  • Ground cinnamon (optional, for garnish)

Step 2: Preparing the peaches

Now that we have our ingredients ready, it’s time to prepare the star of our dish – the succulent peaches. Begin by peeling and slicing the peaches into bite-sized pieces. You can choose to remove the skins or leave them on, depending on your personal preference.

Step 3: Mixing the batter

Next, let’s move on to preparing the batter that will give our Peach Cobbler its delicious texture. In a mixing bowl, combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Mix thoroughly until all the dry ingredients are well incorporated. Then, gradually pour in the milk, melted butter, and vanilla extract. Keep stirring until the batter becomes smooth and free of lumps.

Step 4: Assembling the Cobbler

Now comes the exciting part! Take a baking dish and lightly grease it with butter or cooking spray. Pour the batter into the dish, spreading it evenly. Then, carefully place the sliced peaches on top of the batter, arranging them in a visually pleasing manner. Don’t worry about perfection – a rustic look is part of the charm!

Step 5: Baking time!

Our Peach Cobbler is ready to go into the oven and transform into a golden, bubbling masterpiece. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C) and bake the Cobbler for approximately 45-50 minutes, or until the top turns a lovely shade of golden brown. The aroma will fill your kitchen, making it hard to resist indulging in a slice right away.

Step 6: Serving and indulging

Once the Cobbler is out of the oven, give it a few minutes to cool down slightly. This will not only prevent any accidental burns, but it will also allow the flavors to settle and intensify. Serve the Peach Cobbler warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream. The combination of the tender peaches and the sweet, slightly crispy crust will surely impress your guests or loved ones.


In conclusion, making Peach Cobbler for Thanksgiving can be both a delightful and rewarding experience. With this step-by-step demonstration, I hope I’ve encouraged you to give it a try and add a touch of sweetness to your holiday celebrations. So gather your ingredients, follow the process, and let the magic of this delicious dessert unfold.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Can I use frozen peaches instead of fresh ones?

    • Absolutely! Just make sure to thaw and drain the frozen peaches before using them in the recipe.
  2. Can I substitute the all-purpose flour with a gluten-free alternative?

    • Yes, you can use a gluten-free flour blend as a substitute for the all-purpose flour.
  3. How can I store any leftovers of the Peach Cobbler?

    • Store any leftover Cobbler in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to three days. Reheat individual portions in the microwave or oven before serving.
  4. Can I make the Peach Cobbler in advance?

    • While it’s best enjoyed fresh, you can prepare the Cobbler ahead of time and refrigerate it before baking. Just remember to allow it to come to room temperature before putting it in the oven.
  5. Can I use canned peaches instead of fresh ones?

    • Yes, canned peaches can be used as a convenient alternative. However, make sure to drain the juice from the canned peaches before using them in the recipe.

Remember to enjoy the process and have fun experimenting with flavors. Happy baking!