Delicious Grilled Hanger Steak Recipe with Cowboy Butter – A Must-Try!

Grilled Hanger Steak Recipe with Cowboy Butter!

Welcome to our blog post where we unveil a truly tempting culinary delight – the grilled hanger steak recipe with cowboy butter. This mouthwatering dish is the perfect blend of flavors, guaranteed to tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving for more. Whether you’re a steak lover or simply looking to elevate your grilling game, this must-try recipe is brimming with juicy goodness and a savory homemade cowboy butter that takes it to a whole new level. So, fasten your aprons, fire up the grill, and get ready to savor every delectable bite of this irresistible dish. Get ready for a culinary experience like no other!

Delicious Grilled Hanger Steak Recipe with Cowboy Butter – A Must-Try!

Are you a meat lover? Do you enjoy experimenting with different cuts of beef and trying new recipes? If so, then this grilled hanger steak recipe with cowboy butter is a must-try for you! In this article, we will walk you through the steps of preparing and grilling a tender and flavorful hanger steak. We will also introduce you to the reverse sear technique and the creamy cowboy butter sauce that adds a burst of flavor to this delicious dish.

Heading 1: The Hanger Steak – A Flavorful and Tender Cut
The hanger steak, also known as the butcher’s steak, is a lesser-known cut of beef that is highly prized for its rich flavor and tenderness. This cut is located in the diaphragm of the cow, near the kidneys. It has a loose grain and a distinctive shape, resembling a hanging strap, which gives it its name.

Sub-heading 1.1: Trimming and Preparing the Hanger Steak
Before we dive into the recipe, it’s important to properly trim and prepare the hanger steak. This helps remove any excess silver skin or connective tissue, ensuring a more tender and enjoyable eating experience. In our video tutorial, we provide a step-by-step guide on how to trim and prepare the hanger steak for grilling.

Sub-heading 1.2: The Reverse Sear Technique – Perfectly Cooked Steak Every Time
To achieve a mouthwatering result, we will be using the reverse sear technique for cooking our hanger steak. This technique involves slowly cooking the steak at a lower temperature first, and then finishing it off with a quick sear at high heat. This ensures a beautifully pink and juicy interior with a perfectly caramelized crust.

Heading 2: The Grilling Process – Slow N Sear Kettle Grill and Cold Grate Technique
To achieve that smoky, grilled flavor, we will be using a Slow N Sear Kettle Grill combined with the cold grate technique. The Slow N Sear creates a two-zone cooking setup, allowing us to control the temperature and maintain even heat distribution throughout the cooking process. The cold grate technique involves placing the steak on a cold grate, which prevents it from immediately sticking to the grill grates and ensures a perfect sear.

Sub-heading 2.1: Tips for Grilling the Hanger Steak
Grilling the hanger steak requires precision and attention to detail. Here are some tips to ensure a successful grilling experience:

  • Preheat your grill and get it to the desired temperature before placing the steak on the cold grate.
  • Season the hanger steak generously with your favorite steak rub or a combination of spices.
  • Cook the steak over indirect heat until it reaches your desired level of doneness.
  • Once cooked, remove the steak from the grill and let it rest for a few minutes before serving.

Sub-heading 2.2: The Creamy Cowboy Butter Sauce – A Flavorful Topping
No grilled hanger steak is complete without a delicious topping, and our recipe includes a creamy cowboy butter sauce that takes this dish to the next level. The cowboy butter sauce is a combination of butter, garlic, herbs, and spices, which adds a rich and flavorful element to the steak.

  • To make the cowboy butter sauce, melt butter in a saucepan and add minced garlic, chopped herbs, such as parsley and chives, and spices like paprika and cayenne pepper.
  • Stir the mixture until well combined and let it cool slightly before serving it over the grilled hanger steak.
  • The cowboy butter sauce can also be used as a dip or spread for bread, adding an extra layer of flavor to your meal.

Heading 3: Postal Barbecue Rubs and Channel Support
In our video description, you will find affiliated links to purchase Postal Barbecue rubs. These rubs are specially crafted to enhance the flavors of your grilled meats and add a unique twist to your dishes. By purchasing through these affiliated links, you not only support our channel but also get to experience the incredible flavors these rubs have to offer.

Grilling a hanger steak with cowboy butter sauce is a culinary experience you don’t want to miss. The combination of the flavorful hanger steak, the reverse sear technique, and the creamy cowboy butter sauce creates a memorable and mouthwatering dish. Don’t forget to check out our video tutorial for a step-by-step guide and useful tips throughout the grilling process. Get ready to impress your friends and family with this must-try recipe.

Unique FAQs After The Conclusion:

  1. What is the best way to know if the hanger steak is cooked to perfection?
  2. Can I use a different cut of beef for this recipe?
  3. Can I make the cowboy butter sauce in advance?
  4. Are the Postal Barbecue rubs suitable for other types of meat?
  5. Can I use a regular grill instead of a Slow N Sear Kettle Grill for this recipe?