How to Smoke Delicious Brisket on a Kettle Grill with SnS Grills Kettle

Brisket Smoked On The Kettle Using The SnS Grills Kettle

In this blog post, we’ll take you through a step-by-step guide on how to smoke a delicious brisket on a kettle grill using SnS Grills Kettle. With our easy-to-follow instructions, you’ll be able to achieve that mouth-watering smoky flavor that you’ve been craving. We know that smoking brisket can be daunting, but with the right equipment and techniques, it’s entirely possible to achieve excellent results that will leave you and your guests wanting more. So, let’s fire up the grill and get started!

How to Smoke Delicious Brisket on a Kettle Grill with SnS Grills Kettle

Are you looking to impress your friends and family with your barbecue skills? Smoking a brisket on a kettle grill may seem daunting, but with the right equipment and methods, it can be done to perfection. In this article, we will take you through the steps to smoke a delicious brisket on a SnS Grills Kettle.


Smoking a brisket on a kettle grill can be a time-consuming but rewarding process. It requires patience, skill, and the right equipment. One of the most important factors in smoking brisket is maintaining the right temperature, and that’s where the SnS Grills Kettle comes in. Its unique airflow system allows for consistent temperature control throughout the cooking process, which is essential for smoking brisket.

Trimming the Fat

Trimming the fat off the brisket is crucial to get the desired result. It helps to even out the thickness of the meat, which allows it to cook more evenly, and prevents the fat from rendering and making the meat greasy. Use a sharp knife to trim the fat from the surface of the brisket, leaving about a quarter-inch layer.

Applying the Rub

A rub from Gulf Coast Smoke is used for seasoning the brisket and is a must-have. Applying the rub is the first step in giving your brisket its unique flavor, and it’s crucial to the overall success of the dish. Generously apply the rub to the brisket, making sure to cover all sides. Place the brisket in the refrigerator overnight with the rub to allow the meat to absorb the flavor.

Setting up the Grill

Smoking requires a temperature between 250 and 275 degrees Fahrenheit. Start by filling the SnS Grills Kettle with charcoal and lighting it. Once the coals are hot, add a couple of chunks of hickory wood to the mix, and adjust the vents to control the airflow. Place the brisket on the cooking grate, fat side up, and put the lid on the grill.

Spritzing the Brisket

Spritzing the brisket with a 50/50 mix of water and apple cider vinegar is a simple way to moisturize it and add extra flavor. This step is not necessary, but it can help to keep the meat tender and prevent it from drying out. After the first hour of smoking, spritz the brisket every half hour.

Wrapping the Brisket

Wrapping the brisket in foil is ideal when it’s on or near an ignition source, such as a charcoal grill. After seven hours of smoking, wrap the brisket in foil, sealing it tightly. This will help to lock in the flavor and moisture, and speed up the cooking process. Place the wrapped brisket back on the grill and continue to smoke until it reaches an internal temperature of 200 degrees Fahrenheit.

Probing for Tenderness

It’s essential to probe the tenderness of the brisket before removing it from the smoker. Use a digital meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the meat. It should read between 195 and 205 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, use a toothpick to test the tenderness of the meat by piercing it in the thickest part. It should feel like probing softened butter. If it’s not yet tender, continue to smoke and check the tenderness every half-hour until it’s done.


Smoking a brisket on a kettle grill is a rewarding experience. With the right equipment, a good rub seasoning, and proper techniques, you can smoke a delicious brisket that will impress your guests. SnS Grills Kettle provides the perfect platform for smoking, with its unique airflow system and temperature control. Happy smoking!


  1. Is it necessary to spritz the brisket during smoking?

    • No, it’s not necessary, but it can help keep the meat tender, and add extra flavor.
  2. How long does it take to smoke a brisket?

    • A brisket can take between 8-18 hours to smoke, depending on the size and temperature used.
  3. Can other types of wood be used for smoking brisket?

    • Yes, hickory, mesquite, oak, and cherry are all great options for smoking brisket.
  4. Should the brisket be removed from the foil before slicing?

    • No, it’s best to let it rest in the foil for at least 15 minutes before slicing it.
  5. What is the best temperature to smoke a brisket?

    • A temperature of 250-275 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal for smoking brisket, as it allows for even cooking and optimum flavor.

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