How to Smoke Boneless Beef Chuck Short Ribs Using the Hunsaker Vortex Drum Smoker

Boneless Beef Chuck Short Ribs Smoked On The Hunsaker Vortex Drum Smoker

Are you a fan of smoky and tender beef chuck short ribs? If so, you must try smoking them using the Hunsaker Vortex Drum Smoker. This innovative smoker allows you to smoke meat to perfection, delivering juicy and flavorful ribs that will be the highlight of any BBQ or gathering. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of smoking boneless beef chuck short ribs using the Hunsaker Vortex Drum Smoker. So, grab some wood chips, fire up your smoker, and let’s get started!

How to Smoke Boneless Beef Chuck Short Ribs Using the Hunsaker Vortex Drum Smoker

Are you ready to elevate your smoking game? Look no further than boneless beef chuck short ribs. When smoked correctly, they become juicy, tender, and packed full of flavor. In this article, we’ll show you how to smoke boneless beef chuck short ribs using the Hunsaker Vortex Drum Smoker.

What You’ll Need

  • Boneless beef chuck short ribs
  • Gulf Coast Smoke seasoning
  • Hunsaker Vortex Drum Smoker
  • Wood pellets (hickory, mesquite, or oak)
  • Thermometer (ThermoWorks Smoke is recommended)
  • Butcher paper
  • Aluminum foil
  • Spray bottle filled with water or apple juice
  • Charcoal basket
  • Charcoal chimney starter
  • Gloves
  • Tongs
  • Knife
  • Cutting board


  1. Season your boneless beef chuck short ribs with Gulf Coast Smoke seasoning on all sides.
  2. Start your Hunsaker Vortex Drum Smoker, and let it preheat to 275 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. While your smoker is preheating, fill your charcoal chimney starter with charcoal and light it. Allow the charcoal to ash over before dumping it into the charcoal basket.
  4. Add 3-4 handfuls of wood pellets on top of the charcoal in the basket.
  5. Once your smoker has preheated, add your beef chuck short ribs to the smoker.
  6. Close the lid, and let them smoke for 3-4 hours.
  7. After the 3-4 hour mark, wrap your beef chuck short ribs in butcher paper, and spray them with water or apple juice.
  8. Place the wrapped ribs back on the smoker, and continue smoking for another 2-3 hours, or until the internal temperature reaches 208 degrees Fahrenheit.
  9. Remove the ribs from the smoker, and let them rest for about half an hour before cutting into them.
  10. Enjoy!

Tips and Tricks

  • Be patient! Boneless beef chuck short ribs need time to develop tenderness and flavor.
  • Don’t be afraid to spritz your ribs with water or apple juice to keep them moist throughout the cooking process.
  • The Hunsaker Vortex Drum Smoker is known for its efficient use of charcoal and wood pellets, so don’t be surprised if you use less than you would with other smokers.
  • Don’t skip the resting period – it allows the juices to redistribute within the meat, resulting in a juicier end product.


By following these simple steps, you can achieve flavorful and tender boneless beef chuck short ribs using the Hunsaker Vortex Drum Smoker. Don’t forget to preheat your smoker, use a thermometer to ensure the internal temperature is correct, and let the ribs rest before digging in. Happy smoking!


  1. Can I use a different type of seasoning for my boneless beef chuck short ribs?
    Yes, feel free to use your favorite seasoning blend.

  2. How long should I let my smoker preheat before adding my beef chuck short ribs?
    Let your smoker preheat for at least 20-30 minutes before adding your beef chuck short ribs.

  3. What should I do if my smoker temperature drops during the cooking process?
    Add more charcoal to the charcoal basket, or adjust your air vents to allow more airflow.

  4. Can I use a different type of smoker for this recipe?
    Yes, but cooking times and temperatures may vary depending on your smoker type.

  5. How can I support the Cooking With Ry channel?
    You can support the Cooking With Ry channel by making PayPal donations or purchasing Cooking With Ry merchandise.

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